Computational Study of the Aerodynamic Design of a Segmented Rod Projectile

Computational Study of the Aerodynamic Design of a Segmented Rod Projectile


Author(s): Shohaimi Abdullah; Joanna Szmelter
No pages: 4
Year: 2001
Article ID: 4-2-1
Keywords: firepower and protection, segmented projectiles, segmented rod projectiles
Format: Electronic (PDF)

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Abstract: A purpose of this study was to provide an enhanced understanding of typical impact and aerodynamic behaviour of segmented rod projectiles. A range of designs was examined by computational modelling. In all cases the segments have been treated as a dynamically changing configuration of free-flying bodies separated at launch. The paper highlights difficulties of this approach showing that, prior to impact, the segments rapidly lose alignment, which reduces effectiveness of penetration. Investigation of alternative design concepts is recommended.