Preliminary Insight Into Aerodynamics of Flapping Wing Micro Air Vehicles (MAV) for Indoor Reconnaissance

Preliminary Insight Into Aerodynamics of Flapping Wing Micro Air Vehicles (MAV) for Indoor Reconnaissance


Author(s): Joanna Szmelter; Rafal Zbikowski
No pages: 4
Year: 2001
Article ID: 4-2-2
Keywords: micro air vehicles, mobility, reconnaissance
Format: Electronic (PDF)

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Abstract: In this paper scaled-up wings of a fly are used with representative wing kinematics to analyse steady-state, inviscid flow in forward flight. The small (approximately 6 inches, or hand-held) reconnaissance micro air vehicles (MAVs) will fly inside buildings, and require hover for observation, and agility at low speeds to move in confined spaces. For this flight envelope insect-like flapping wings seems to be an optimal mode of flying. The investigation of the aerodynamics of flapping wing MAVs is very challenging. The problem involves complex unsteady, viscous flow (mainly laminar) with the moving wing generating vortices, and interacting with them. At this early stage of research only a preliminary insight into the nature of the little known aerodynamics of MAVs was obtained.