Combining Generic Structures and Systems Engineering to Manage Complexity in System Dynamics Modelling


Combining Generic Structures and Systems Engineering to Manage Complexity in System Dynamics Modelling


Author(s): Alan C. McLucas; Michael J. Ryan
No pages: 8
Year: 2005
Article ID: 8-3-6
Keywords: management, system dynamics, systems engineering
Format: Electronic (PDF)

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Abstract: Expert system dynamicists are those who have developed the skills to perceive structure—that is, they have ability to recognise that dynamics appearing to be very different on the surface are actually caused by fundamentally similar mechanisms. They then use these skills very effectively to build models of complex problems. Desire to exploit knowledge of fundamental structures in system dynamics models has led to the formulation of molecules of system dynamics structure. But there is more we can do to facilitate learning about, and recognition of, structure as well as improve system dynamics modelling methodology. This paper argues that aspects of systems engineering practice can be integrated with system dynamics to produce a methodology which exploits knowledge of structures, utilises top-down model formulation and bottom-up construction of models, thereby enabling management of the complexity encountered during model building. The proffered methodology enables all modellers, even the least experienced, to quickly and reliably build robust models of complex problems. How this is achieved is explained and demonstrated.