Applied Systems Engineering


Applied Systems Engineering


Author(s): Michael J. Ryan; R. Ian Faulconbridge
ISBN: 978-1-921138-13-3
Pages: 348
Published: 2021
Subject: Management
Format: Print

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Overview Preface Table of Contents Sample Chapter

This book provides a basic but complete coverage of the management of complex technical projects and, in particular, of the discipline known as systems engineering through which that management is conducted. We offer a framework encapsulating the entire systems engineering discipline, clearly showing where the multitude of systems engineering activities fits within the overall effort. The framework provides an ideal vehicle for understanding the complex discipline of systems engineering.

We take a top-down approach that introduces the philosophical aspects of the discipline and provides a framework within which the reader can assimilate the associated activities. Without such a reference, the practitioner is left to ponder the plethora of terms, standards and practices that have been developed independently and often lack cohesion, particularly in nomenclature and emphasis. The field of systems engineering is often viewed as dry, detailed, complicated, acronym-intensive and uninteresting. Yet, the discipline holds the solution to delivering complex systems on time and within budget, and avoiding many of the failures of the past. The intention of this book is both to cover all aspects of the discipline and to provide a framework for the consideration of the many issues associated with engineering complex systems.

Our secondary purpose is to describe a complex field in a simple, easily digested manner that is accessible to a wide spectrum of readers, from students to professionals, from novices to experienced practitioners. It is directed at a wide audience and aims to be a valuable reference for all professions associated with the management of complex technical projects: project managers, systems engineers, quality assurance representatives, integrated logistic support practitioners, maintainers, and so on.

In line with the top-down approach of systems engineering, we focus in this book on the early stages of the system life cycle since the activities in these stages have the greatest impact on the successful acquisition and fielding of a system. In the interests of balance, however, we use the systems engineering framework to provide an overview of all other aspects related to systems engineering.

This applied systems engineering book is used as a text for a number of professional education and university courses, as well as for a number of in-house courses. In particular, it is complimentary to attendees on the edVirtus Systems Engineering--Introduction and Systems Engineering--Advanced training courses delivered by the authors Dr Ian Faulconbridge and Dr Mike Ryan. The text also supports the Coursera Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Introduction to Systems Engineering.