Principles of Satellite Communications


Principles of Satellite Communications


Author(s): Michael J. Ryan
ISBN: 0-980238-3-2
Pages: 236
Published: 2021
Subject: Technology
Format: Print

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Overview Preface Table of Contents Sample Chapter

Satellite communication systems are now a major part of most telecommunications networks as well as every-day lives through mobile personal communication systems and broadcast television. A fundamental understanding of such systems is therefore important for a wide range of system designers, engineers and users.

This book is focused on the fundamental principles underlying satellite communication systems, treating each with sufficient depth to provide a balanced overview of the constituent system elements.

This satellite communications book is used as a text for a number of professional education and university courses, as well as for a number of in-house courses. In particular, it is complimentary to attendees on the edVirtus Satellite Communications—Overview, Satellite Communications—Intermediate, and Satellite Communications—Advanced training courses delivered by the author Dr Mike Ryan.